Protecting Your Family: 5 Essential Steps to Keep Your Child Safe Online

The internet is a powerful tool, but it also comes with risks, especially for young children who may not fully understand the dangers lurking online. Traffickers often use social media and other platforms to recruit victims, making it crucial for parents to take proactive steps in safeguarding their kids. This blog post will provide you with essential strategies to protect your children from online predators.

1. Monitor Their Social Media Usage

Social media is a prime hunting ground for traffickers who create fake profiles to lure unsuspecting children. Ensure that your child’s social media accounts are set to private, and regularly monitor their followers. Disable geo-locators on apps like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook to protect your child’s location. Encourage your kids to only interact with people they know in real life, and set clear expectations about online behavior.

2. Set Up Parental Controls

Implementing parental controls on your child’s devices can prevent them from accessing inappropriate content and keep them safe from online threats. Tools like Bark, Qustodio, and NetNanny allow you to monitor screen time, block specific sites, and receive alerts about suspicious activity. Make it clear that having a device is a privilege, and be transparent about the monitoring practices you’re implementing.

3. Be Aware of Who Your Children Are Talking To

Traffickers often pretend to be friends or romantic interests, gradually manipulating their victims. Educate your children about the dangers of talking to strangers online and remind them never to share personal information or images that they wouldn’t want the world to see. Conversations about “stranger danger” should now include online interactions as well.

4. Educate Them on the Harms of Pornography

In today’s digital age, children are at risk of being exposed to pornography, which can have lasting negative effects. Have open, age-appropriate conversations about the realities and harms of pornography. Use resources like Fight the New Drug to support these discussions, and consider watching documentaries like “Raised On Porn” to understand the broader impact of exposure.

5. Keep Devices Out of Their Bedroom

To better monitor your child’s online activity, keep all devices in common areas of the home. Setting time limits on device usage can also encourage a healthy balance between online and offline interactions. Promoting in-person friendships can reduce your child’s vulnerability to online predators.

Keeping your child safe online requires vigilance, communication, and the right tools. If this topic resonates with you, and you feel called to take further action, we would love to stay in touch!

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If you or someone you know have been sexually exploited and want out of the life, please call Rescue America’s 24/7 Rescue hotline number at 833.599.FREE.

To report a trafficking tip, please call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888.373.7888.

Save these numbers on your phone for later reference! 


Overcoming Overwhelm: Greta’s Mission to Fight Sex Trafficking