Overcoming Overwhelm: Greta’s Mission to Fight Sex Trafficking

Greta, a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother, spent her life immersed in family and community, unaware of the darkness of human trafficking happening in her own city. “I didn’t know much, just what I’d seen in movies,” she recalls. Like many, the thought of trafficking felt distant, something unimaginable in her world. But as 2020 unfolded, so did Greta’s awareness, leading her on an unexpected journey from feeling overwhelmed to finding a profound purpose in the fight against trafficking.

Discovering the Truth:

Greta’s awakening to the reality of sex trafficking was gradual. The year 2020 was a turning point. “Seeing the world the way it was going, I think the Lord was revealing things to me,” she says. As she sought knowledge and found stories of exploitation, she learned that 89% of trafficking survivors express a desire to escape, but the path to freedom is often fraught with challenges. With this newfound awareness came an overwhelming question: “How in the world could I even help?”

For many, the enormity of human trafficking is paralyzing. The sheer scale and horror of the issue can make it seem impossible for one person to make a difference. But Greta refused to let that fear stop her. Instead, she began to dig deeper, searching for ways to contribute meaningfully.

Finding Rescue America:

In 2021, Greta’s search led her to a podcast featuring Rescue America. Something clicked. “I can volunteer,” she thought. The very next day, Greta reached out to Rescue America, eager to offer her help. Within two weeks, she was participating in her first Outreach Hub, where volunteers like Greta make critical calls to hotline numbers, offering a lifeline to those trapped in exploitation. 

Despite her initial nerves, Greta’s commitment grew stronger with each call. “I was nervous, but I couldn’t not do it,” she recalls. “It’s the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever done.”

Stepping Into the Unknown:

By November 2023, Greta had joined the hotline advocate team, taking on overnight shifts that pushed her far out of her comfort zone. But instead of fear, Greta found joy in the unexpected. “One of my first calls was a woman seeking help. I prayed over her, shared Jesus with her, and later learned she chose to exit the life. That caught my heart.”

The experience solidified Greta’s resolve. What once felt overwhelming became a mission she couldn’t turn away from. “It’s a frontline serve, and we’re taking back ground that the enemy has stolen,” she says. Many survivors experience significant psychological trauma, with 68% suffering from PTSD due to their experiences, underscoring the importance of the work Greta and other volunteers do.

The Joy of Serving:

For Greta, the joy of service lies not in grand gestures, but in the small, faithful steps. “What keeps me coming back is wanting to see people call in and work their way to freedom,” she shares. Whether it’s an encouraging word during a late-night shift or a prayer offered over the phone, Greta knows that every act of service makes a difference.

“My biggest learn,” she reflects, “is that Jesus is doing the work. I just get to be part of it. He cares for them so much more than even I do.”

Encouragement to Others:

Greta’s journey is a powerful reminder that making a difference doesn’t require superhuman strength or endless resources—just a willing heart. “If I can encourage anyone, just give it a try. It’s life-changing,” she urges. “Even if you feel like you can’t do it, Jesus is right there. Come, taste and see that the Lord is good.”

Greta’s story is one of transformation, from feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of human trafficking to finding her place on the front lines. Her journey shows that anyone can make a difference, no matter how daunting the task may seem. 

If Greta’s journey has inspired you, consider how you can join Rescue America in this vital mission. Whether by volunteering, or donating, every action helps bring hope to those in need. 


If you or someone you know have been sexually exploited and want out of the life, please call Rescue America’s 24/7 Rescue hotline number at 833.599.FREE.

To report a trafficking tip, please call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888.373.7888.

Save these numbers on your phone for later reference! 


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